
game in anthropology


—— The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis

【这个作者很神奇,总是使用人称代词,让读者觉得自己仿佛是在窥视他人内心,而同时也无时不刻地在反观自己。这本书里故事的写作时间始于1980年代,最晚的是2007的作品。能够看到作者在不同年龄段的想法,而且是很清晰的时间脉络。我看了几篇最早的之后,就直接跳到了最新的,颇为有趣。没有做太多的笔记,故事往往很短,适合在旅途中看。当然有些故事真的会drive people crazy因为心理描写太细腻以至于让人觉得无处可逃放佛内心完全被看透了似的,有时候则是因为人的情感非常的……overwhelmimg吧?】

  • Finally I sit down and write in my notebook that when he calls me either he will then come to me, or he will not and I will be angry, and so I will have either him or my own anger, and this might be all right, since anger is always a great comfort, as I found with my husband. 【后来她又说anger is not comfort.

  • …a mad person not helped out of his trouble by anything real begins to trust what is not real because it helps him and he needs it because real things continue not to help him.

  • But I bark at him:"No! No!"

  • No and then I summon all my energy and work at the menu as if I were being forced to hammer a nail into a stone, as if I were both the one hammering and also the nail.

  • But it is not so expensive when you consider that for this same sixty cents you are renting the use of one cup and saucer, one metal cream pitcher, one plastic glass, one small table and two small benches.


【PS:之前和教授聊天时,她告诉我她至今为止一直保持着每周一到两本书的阅读速度,让我非常钦佩。我尝试着……还没成功。这学期的课阅读量不少,加上有个佛教课要求写annotated bibliography……课余时间都拿来读佛教相关的书和文章了,几乎没有时间读另外的书,当然佛教的书我也很喜欢!但话说回来,“每周一到两本”这个目标我要坚持去追求。】


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